Dodana: 6 styczeń 2009 11:32

Zmodyfikowana: 6 styczeń 2009 11:32

Euroregion "Niemen"

Euroregions are transborder areas in frames of which there is guided cooperation between units representing regions of two or more countries ( self government territory units). Each of them is appointed and functions under the internal law of a particular country. The aim of euroregions is development of economics cooperation development, infrastructure extension, environmental protection as well as tourism and culture / educational activity.

Sixteen euroregions were established within Polish borders. In the area of the Podlaskie Voivodeship there are two of them:
The Niemen Euroregion and The Puszcza Biaowieska Euroregion.

The Niemen Euroregion

The interborder union Niemen Euroregion was formed on 6 July 1997 on the power of a multilateral understanding concluded by representatives of: Suwalskie Voivodeship (Poland), Alytus and Mariampol regions (Lithuania) and Grodzieńskie Voivodeship (Belarussia). A Euroregion was established with the purpose of intensifying social, economic and political contacts between these areas which are connected by a common geografical, histiorical and cultural inheritance.
At present The Niemen Euroregion consists of:
-Polish district: Podlaskie Viovodeship (excludning certain parts of the  former Łomżyńskie Voivodeship), part of the

Warmińsko – Mazurskie Voivodeship (communities composing the former Suwalskie Viovodeship);
-Lithuanian district: Alytus, Mariampol and Vilno regions;
-Belarussian disrtict: Grodzieńskie Voivodeship;
-Russian district: Czerniachowsk, Gusiew, Oziersk, Krasnoznamiensk and Niestierow (Kaliningrad District) regions.

The aim of an understanding within a given Euroregion is the development of  border regions cooperation in the following spheres:
-comprehensive economic development,
-spatial management plan,
-public infrastructure,
-education, health protection, culture, sport and tourism,
-flood and food disasters,
-improving contacts between the inhabitains of border areas, institutional cooperation and also cooperation of economical units.

Euroregion Agency address:
Wesoła Street 22
16-400 Suwałki
Phone/Fax: 00 48 87 565 36 71/72


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